Satria Yoga was first inspired by the late Guru Ma Prem (who herself taught Yoga). Deriving from the postures and movements of the Satria Fighting Arts. The postures were broken down from the SFA to form its own unique yoga system, with it own syllabus for learning and teaching, authorised by Guru Ma and structured by Pendekar Steven Benitez. It 2003, Satria Yoga was established and first taught as a regular class at the Satria Fighting Arts full-time academy in Hendon Central, NW London, where Laarni Benitez was the main teacher. Chief Instructor Laarni Benitez carries the responsibility of this style of yoga world-wide, teaching it through seminars and raising other instructors through Teacher Training programs as well as Online Instructor Courses. It was first put together as a yoga system in early 2000’s and by 2003, it was taught as a regular class at East West Studios in Hendon Central, NW London, where Laarni Benitez taught.
The practise of Satria Yoga has no combative elements to it, but instead, promote restorative effects and is good for rehabilitation of injuries as well as an injury preventative practise. Its focus is not outward, but purely an inward journey of self-discovery and has a transformative affect on the body and mind, teaching you how to unite the six forces that exists and learning how to link to a higher state of awareness. There are three ways to practise Satria Yoga, each carries its own benefit, yet all three make it complete. These three methods of practise follow three principles: 'Flow' (Vinyasa principle), 'Strength and Endurance' (Yang principle) and 'Tendon Strength and Flexibility' (Yin principle).

Satria Yoga has 144 postures which flow one to another and each one is a natural and organic movement. Our lineage is from the ancient warrior (kysatriya) arts of Indonesia and the surrounding areas of south-east Asia. Layered with universal principles, Satria Yoga carries within it, healing, and promotes well-being for every practitioner. The natural movements of this style of yoga are most closest to the natural movements of a child developing or playing with movement from the ground, or like mimicking the movements of some animal. Most of the postures of the Satria Yoga derive from the observation of animal movements, and in particular, Kucing (cat), Harimau (tiger), Kura Kura (turtle), Buaya (crocodile), Garuda (mythical bird), and Ular (snake). Guru Ma was very strong on her teachings with the observation of nature, what she would call, the Living Book of Nature.

The 144 postures in Satria Yoga have many of their names from animals (cat, tiger, crocodile, turtle, garuda and ular) which form the base postures. Out of these come a more descriptive name to describe another pose, with its base from one of those particular animals. Other hand gestures, like ‘prayer palms’ offer a more of a descriptive gesture in nature, or like ‘male and female’ hands to represent ‘two’ or ‘balance’. Many of these ‘animal’ postures are also performed from three different heights: high, mid and low.
Correct alignment and good posture means good biomechanics. Satria Yoga postures are all about these, and we help our students to get into the right habits when lying, sitting and standing, so that with the practise of yoga (or any other discipline), the student can gain the most benefit. This is also necessary for injury prevention. Some of the other benefits of this practise includes body strength and conditioning, endurance, flexibility, mobility, agility, coordination, balance and relaxation. The practise of correct breathing is taught and encouraged, uniting the body with the mind, and therefore bringing the practise to life. This will also heighten levels of concentration and awareness.

Instructor Courses
We have two instructor courses: direct training via Teacher Training events held in the UK and Spain, and the other is a two year training program via an online training course.
If you are interested in joining our instructor program, please email us directly on info@satriaarts.com