A weekly online training program designed with long distance learners and SFA Instructors in mind. This course is a 7 year course, covering all aspects of the Satria Fighting Arts - from Sembah to Full Uniform This program offers a method of training, from beginner to advance), following a map of the syllabus that will ensure the practitioner learns all aspects of the art, from beginning to end, with personal guidance and interaction throughout by its Chief Instructor, Pendekar Steven Benitez.
en Español
Un programa de capacitación semanal en línea (en español) diseñado para estudiantes de larga distancia e instructores de SFA en mente. Este curso es de 7 años y abarca todos los aspectos de Satria Fighting Arts, desde Sembah hasta Full Uniform. Este curso ofrece un método de entrenamiento, desde principiante hasta avanzado, siguiendo un mapa del plan de estudios que asegurará que el profesional aprenda todos los aspectos del arte, de principio a fin, con orientación personal e interacción a lo largo del curso, por su Instructor Principal. , Pendekar Steven Benitez y el representante de España, Sebastian Deibe.

BECOME a SATRIA YOGA Instructor through our long distance online training course, taught by our Satria Yoga Chief Representative, Laarni Benitez, in this weekly online training program.
LEARN the 144 Satria Yoga postures through 12 jurus (sets of movements) and learn how to improve yours (and other's) posture whilst developing core stability and all over body strength, increase you stamina, improve agility, mobility and flexibility, increase health and vitality while heightening your concentration and awareness.
The KEJAWEN ESOTERIC is a 7-year course with yearly revisions. Lessons are online, combined with pre-recorded lessons and live (zoom) sessions.
Some of the lessons will be cross referencing ancient Sacred Texts and discovering their inter-connectedness; teachings on Universal Laws and Principles and how they work in conjunction with your daily life and with all Life; Eschatology – our history and the destiny of humankind; Numbers – their meaning and significance for your life; learning the 6 rhythms of the day and how to manage your time effectively; the power of the Sacred Breath and how to awaken it.
This course is designed for those who wish to understand how energy works and how to brings practise into their daily 24-hr cycle, that brings transformational real-life evidence, and not just head knowledge.

40 weeks online training
A new 40-weeks course suitable for an absolute beginner in the SFA or any martial arts or sports discipline, to a professional athlete level. This course will teach and help you to improve your strength, increase your speed and endurance, develop cardio fitness, improve your flexibility, agility, mobility, enhance your power (internal and external), improve your balance as well as your coordination, all done with a very holistic approach to your training.
Presented and taught by Steven Benitez, with Sports Professionals and Athletes in mind, whilst also introducing his methods of developing these skill sets to the average working individual - a course that is suitable for all.