Life Coaching Course
14th-19th October (Foundational)
11th-16th November (Intermediate)
Two Certification Courses over 5 evening online lessons plus a practical session with an assessment (per course) over Zoom.
An Esoteric Life Coaching program that will give you the tools for life!!
These are the following topics at Foundational and Intermediate levels which will be covered in our Courses:
+ Kejawen Nomor - knowledge of the Numbers and how to apply them in your life and in Life Coaching.
+ Knowledge of your seven energetic centres, how they work and how to apply them to relationships.
+ Understanding the importance of having a vision for your life (personal or work related).
+ Time managements - how to manage your life effectively
+ Dealing with stress and anxiety.
+ How to deal with strong or conflicting emotions (eg grief,
anger, jealousy, hatred, resentment, bitterness, etc..)
+ Effective and practical ways of communicating that bring results.
+ Nutrition advice for better health.
+ Dealing with strong addictions and how to transform negative habits for positive ones.
+ How to live a balanced and happy life.
+ Practical applications to Life Coaching.
​For costs and further details, please contact us on email us via the link below:​​